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Coho Salmon


How to thaw and store coho salmon 

Can I consume coho salmon raw, or does it need to be cooked? 

Are there bones in coho portions? 

How do I cook coho portions?


About our coho salmon fishery

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Our salmon are individually caught using hook and line, in a fishery called "power trolling". Power refers to the fact that we use hydraulic motors to reel in each of our four lines. Each of the four lines are outfitted with ten to tewenty five hooks, for a total of forty to one hundred hooks trolled at a time. Each line is weighed down with seventy pound lead cannonball. Two of the four lines have a "float bag" hooked on the top; this allows two of the lines to drag back, away from our boat -- while the other two drag near the hull. Turns must be executed slowly and carefully -- otherwise the four lines will tangle in one another!




The Southeast Alaska power troll salmon fishery is managed by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. The fishery opens up on July 1, and typically closes on September 20, depending on run timing and escapement (the number of fish that have safely made it to their spawning river). It also closes for about a week in August, to allow migrating king salmon to pass through. We've purchased a commercial power troll permit to participate in this fishery. It is a limited entry permit, meaning the state of Alaska 




Our permit allows us to fish from Cape Suckling (near Cordova) all the way down to the Canadian border, south of Ketchikan. Our preferred region though is from Sitka to Yakutat, as shown on the map. 




Since our fish are all caught by hook, any unwanted catch (aka "by-catch") can be safely returned to the sea. Common by-catch includes rockfish - which we're allowed to retain, as well as king salmon, pink salmon, and halibut - all of which are safely returned to the ocean. 



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P.O. Box 6256
Sitka, Alaska 99835


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